Bề mặt rắn Acrion® Acrylic

Acrion Logo, acrylic solid surface, pure solid surface sheet, world top brand solid surface manufacturer by Acrion solid surface China factory

Trung tâm quản lý y tế tư nhân Tây An

Step into the immersive world of Xi’an Private Health Management Center, where Acrion solid surface creates a tranquil environment for self-reflection. Discover the celestial-inspired design and innovative use of materials that make this center a haven of peace and introspection.

HEYTEA tại One Avenue, Thâm Quyến

Discover the stunning design of HEYTEA at One Avenue, Shenzhen. MOC DESIGN OFFICE has created a unique space that embodies exploration, innovation, and vitality, with its metaphorical staircase concept and changeable combinations. Explore the crisscrossing staircases, captivating aesthetics, and functional areas that make this tea shop a vibrant and inviting destination