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Grinding and polishing process of acrylic solid surface

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The grinding and polishing process of acrylic solid surfaces is an important step to improve the smoothness, beauty and durability of the surface. The following is a detailed explanation of the polishing process for acrylic solid surfaces:

First, grinding steps

Rough grinding

Objective: To remove obvious defects, unevenness and large scratches on the surface.

Tools: Use coarse sandpaper (e.g., 120 to 240 mesh) or a rough disk equipped with a sander.

Operation: Apply uniform force and polish in the same direction to avoid scratches caused by cross polishing.

Intermediate grinding

Objective: To remove the marks left by coarse grinding and further smooth the surface.

Tools: Use medium sandpaper (e.g. 320 mesh to 400 mesh).

Operation: Apply the same uniform force, grinding in the same direction, and gradually improve the surface smoothness.

Fine grinding

Purpose: To make the surface more smooth and fine, ready for polishing.

Tools: Use a fine sandpaper (e.g. 600 mesh to 1200 mesh), or a fine disk equipped with a sander.

Operation: Apply gentle force and grind carefully to ensure that the surface has no obvious scratches and defects.

Second, polishing steps

Prepare polishing material

Polish: Select the right polish, depending on the material of the acrylic solid surface and the desired gloss.

Polishing tools: Use polishing machine, polishing cloth wheel or wool wheel.

Polishing operation

Apply polish: Apply an appropriate amount of polish evenly on the acrylic solid surface.

Polishing: Start the polishing machine, the polishing cloth wheel or wool wheel gently pressed on the surface, polishing at a moderate speed. Pay attention to keep the polishing wheel in uniform contact with the surface to avoid local overheating.

Check the effect: In the polishing process, regularly check the gloss and smoothness of the surface, and adjust the amount of polishing agent and polishing strength according to the need.

Final cleaning

Remove residue: Use a clean soft cloth or paper towel to wipe away any residual polish and debris on the surface.

Check the quality: Carefully check the polished surface to ensure that there are no scratches, blemishes and residues, and that the gloss is uniform.

Third, precautions

Protect eyes and skin: During the polishing process, dust and debris will be generated, so be sure to wear protective glasses and gloves to protect your eyes and skin.

Control strength and speed: When grinding and polishing, it is necessary to apply uniform force to avoid surface damage caused by excessive force. At the same time, control the speed of the polishing machine to avoid excessive surface overheating.

Choose the right tools and materials: Depending on the material of the acrylic solid surface and the desired gloss, choose the right grinding tools and polishing materials.

Keep the environment clean: During the polishing process, keep the working environment clean to avoid dust and debris contamination of the surface.

Through the above steps and precautions, the acrylic solid surface can be effectively polished and polished to improve its beauty and durability.


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